P6/7 Marble Run!

We had a fun Friday afternoon working together to create marble runs on the tables using art straws and tape. The children worked so well together to plan and create a marble run which included dead ends, start and finish arches, and tricky obstacles! Everyone had a go at each other’s once we were finished, some were especially hard! We spoke about the skills that we developed through this activity and the children identified lots of learning that took place, for example, team work, communication, creativity, problem solving, growth mindset and perseverance!

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P6/7 Friendship Bracelets

We had a fantastic time this afternoon making friendship bracelets for each other! Everyone had to pick a name of another child out of a hat and that was who they made their bracelet for. The children all asked each other which colours they’d like and put in a lot of time and effort to create the bracelet for their friend. I was so impressed with the determination and perseverance of everyone in the class with this activity! When they were finished the children then exchanged the bracelets and were so excited and happy to see what their friend had created for them.

Well done P6/7!



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P6/7 Nature Art

This week while some of the class did Bikeability the rest of the children worked in pairs and groups to create some art using natural materials! It was very windy outside, so we had to improvise and bring the art indoors. Here are our amazing creations:

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