Last week, we made a Halloween art collage of witchy legs and took part in some activities on Friday afternoon. I loved everyone’s costumes!
Last week, we made a Halloween art collage of witchy legs and took part in some activities on Friday afternoon. I loved everyone’s costumes!
We had a visit from a dental nurse who told us all about how she helps people look after their teeth. She showed us the equipment that dentist’s use, explained how to care for your teeth and showed us what happens when we don’t look after our teeth. Afterwards, we made mouths using marshmallows for teeth, and completed a fun booklet which she left for us.
We had an afternoon of activities for our topic, including vets role play, guess who cards, bingo and learning what to do in an emergency situation.
As part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic, we had a visit from a nurse who told us all about her job. She showed us the things she needs to do her job, and we asked her lots of questions.
Our class got a visit from a paramedic to tell us how he helps people in his job. We asked him lots of questions, and got to see the equipment he uses to do his job. We especially loved going inside the ambulance to see all the special equipment in there.