P4/5 Famous Artists

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We have been learning about famous artists.  We learned a little about the Scottish artist Charles Rennie MacKintosh and his designs and then we made artwork inspired by his work.

Today we were also revising 2D shapes.  We were playing the game ‘What shape am I?’  where we described the shape to our partner and they had to guess which shape it was.  We then learned about Kandinsky a Russian artist who was the first artist to create abstract paintings using vibrant colours and different shapes.

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P4/5 I believe in my #selfie

We were discussing in class how we should think more positive when in different situations, for example when we find something really difficult to do we should rise to these challenges.  We discussed how we should choose to use positive phrases like “I can do this!” or “I am going to ask for help here.” or “I am going to learn from this mistake I’ve made.”

We then shared why we believe in our #selfie and wrote this down along with something we would love to achieve this year.  Some of us would like to learn to swim and so are going to go to the local swimming pool with an adult or perhaps ask to join a swimming club. Some of us would like to learn to ride our bikes properly and so we are going to practise outside in a safe place.

Please ask your child what their target for the year is and support them to achieve this.


Welcome Back!

We would like to welcome all of our pupils and their families back to school! We hope you have all had a restful summer!  Welcome to our new pupils, we hope you will enjoy being part of our wonderful school!

ice cream