P2/3 Germs! Germs! Germs!

Primary 2-3 children have been learning about germs.  We have been learning about how easily germs are spread and how these germs can cause us to be ill.  We learned also how to prevent these viruses and diseases for example, wash our hands thoroughly, cover our mouth with a hanky or our arms rather than our bare hands when coughing or sneezing.  We also learned what to do to cure most illnesses.

“It’s important you always need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.” Nikolay

“We learned about different kind of germs like bacteria, fungus and viruses.” Oscar

“We learned how to get rid of germs. We need to take medicine and rest and keep warm.” Rebekah

“We learned to get germs away take medicine and take a warm bath or shower and rest and stay off school until we are better. ” Josh

Photographs: The children demonstrated through drama the spread of germs by coughing and sneezing and how germs are killed off by taking medicine and lots of rest.  

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