P3/4 PE

This week in PE primary 3/4 were exploring different stations such as hula hooping, skipping, sprints and dribbling. The children all worked well together and were great at encouraging each other. Ben was our hula hooping star as he managed to hoop with 4 hula hoops at one time!!

“I really enjoyed this” Grace

“I was the best” Lucas M

“I’m all puffed out from sprints” Nathan

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P2/3 reading activities

Primary 2/3 were looking at different ways to explore stories this week. We made our own fairy-tale and space storyboards using the felt boards. The children worked together to create their own stories. We also spent some time partner reading and helping each other in the library with books.


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P5 Music

Primary 5 have been enjoying their weekly music sessions with Mr Johnston. The children have been listening to different types of music and identifying emotions that music can make you feel. Everyone is looking forward to learning to read and play music over the next few weeks.

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