P1 Enrolments and Deferred Entry to Primary School

You will now be able to enrol your child for school if they are due to start P1 in August 2021.  If you go onto South Lanarkshire Council’s website and search ‘Enrolling your child for school’ you will be taken to the correct page.  Please enrol your child either today or tomorrow.  I will contact parents next week and if your child is a January/February birthday I will discuss deferral with you as I would in more ‘normal’ times.  You are of course, welcome to phone me at school should you want to.  I have attached the deferral information sent by SLC below for your information.  Please note that if you wish to defer your child then applications have to be made by 31st January.
Deferred entry to primary school

If your child has not had their 5th birthday before they are due to start primary school in August 2021, you may decide to make an application to defer your child’s entry to primary school by a year.
Your child will automatically get an extra year of early learning and childcare funding if their 4th birthday is in the period 1 January 2021 to the end of February 2021 (inclusive);
You can also apply to the council and request an extra year of early learning and childcare funding if their 5th birthday is in the period 1 August to 31 December (inclusive) – the  council will consider your application following an admission scrutiny process and decide if your child will get an extra year of funding as a funded nursery place will not automatically be provided.
If a parent/carer intends to defer commencement of their child’s primary education, they should still apply to register their child in the appropriate catchment primary school and indicate their intention to defer entry.  You should discuss the deferred application with your child’s current nursery establishment and they will provide and return the appropriate paperwork when completed to the Early Years Service for processing.
Should your child’s deferred entry be approved, you will receive a letter and we would ask you to confirm that you are accepting the deferral.  Once we receive you confirmation we will remove your child’s  place from the catchment primary.
How to apply
If you wish your child to have an additional year at nursery, you should complete an application for a deferred year. As we are currently in lockdown, you should call the nursery your child currently attends for an application form.  This will be emailed to you for completion and should go back to the current nursery to allow them to complete the process and submit to Education HQ.   You can also get an application form by contacting earlyyears@southlanarkshire.gov.uk
The closing date is 31st January 2021.  If you are unable to return your application by that date please email earlyyears@southlanarkshire.gov.uk