P3/4 Rounding

Today in P3/4 we were learning about rounding numbers to the nearest 10 but challenging ourselves to trying to round some numbers to the nearest 100!!! There was lots of partner discussion before we completed a written task to support our understanding.

The children were asked what it means to round numbers:

“rounding up or down” – Abbie

“rounding to a different number”- Alex

“tens is if the number has a 0 at the end we round to that”- Catherine

“If the number of units is less than 5 you round down but if it is more you round up”-Cole      IMG_4215 IMG_4216 IMG_4217 IMG_4218 IMG_4219 IMG_4220 IMG_4221IMG_4214

Nocturnal Animals

Primary 3/4 have enjoyed learning about Nocturnal Animals this term and have shown their understanding by sorting animals into categories of Nocturnal and Diurnal Animals. The children learned the difference between these and were fascinated that some animals could be classed as both nocturnal and diurnal.

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