P3/4 Maths

We have been working very hard in maths in p3/4. Our squares and triangles have been busy learning multiplication and division and are really enjoying using materials to help. The circles are working hard on subtraction and have even been trying to challenge each other to try harder questions!

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P3/4 Clay Art

Primary 3/4 had lots of fun creating their own Viking longboats or pottery. We have been learning that Vikings made their own pottery in order to make a living as well as learning all about Viking Home life.

“The clay is weird to touch” Caleb

“It was really fun” Grace

“I love the longboats” Zak

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P7 Pattern and Relationships

After Easter, P7 are starting Patterns and Relationships. Today they completed an active task to get their brains thinking. Children were given the first 3 terms of a pattern using Cuisenaire rods and had to continue this pattern within their groups. They then discussed their findings and what they noticed. From there, children created a line graph to show the sequence. After that, children were asked to write a calculation for each term in the sequence by considering what is common to all the patterns. Using their formula, they were then asked to check this by working out the 15th or 20th term, for example. It was very challenging but well done P7 – you were excellent!

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Earth Hour 2019

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Earth Hour is on Saturday the 30th of March at 8:30pm and we at Carnwath Primary School would appreciate if you can switch off any lights or technology for that hour or another appropriate hour throughout that day.

Thanks From

The Eco Committee

P4/5 Rainforest Plants

Primary 4/5 have been learning about different types of plant adaptions as part of their rainforest topic. The children have learned about drip tip leaves, buttress roots, mangroves and many more adaptations which help plants survive in the rainforest. The class then worked together to design their own rainforest plant featuring some of the adaptations we’d spoke about.

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