P5/6 and P6/7 Scotland Topic

This afternoon both classes worked together on some fun Scottish themed activities. We started off with a scavenger hunt looking for answers that were hidden around the school to questions about Scotland. It was tough finding the answers and working out which question they matched to! We also completed a Scottish dictionary worksheet where we learned the meanings of some Scots words. After that, we went to the ICT suite and worked in pairs and groups to research famous Scottish landmarks and tourist attractions.

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P4/5 Science – Seeing Sound Experiment

P4/5 created an experiment to see sound.  They learned that sound is vibrations and we call these vibrations ‘sound waves’.  Although we cannot see sound we thought we may be able to see the vibrations and so we set up an experiment.  We predicted that the sprinkles would vibrate e.g. jump up and down when we played loud noises with the instruments used.  We found that drums made the loudest noises and therefore it was easier to see sound when using the drums.

“I saw the sprinkles vibrating even when the instruments were a distance away.” Nikolay

“I found it satisfying when the instruments made the sprinkles jump about.” Jack

“When you hit the instrument hard the sprinkles jumped higher than when you hit it low.  Which means the louder the noise the bigger the sound waves.” Ben

“When we got the instruments I didn’t expect anything to happen but when I banged the drum the sprinkles jumped and I was surprised.” Abbie

“I found it interesting because the closer the drum was and the harder you hit it the more the sprinkles moved.” Lewis

“I found it interesting because when me and Maisie hit the instrument the sprinkles jumped up.” Damien


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Primary 5/6 Problem Solving!

As part of our Term 2 maths, we learned about 2D and 3D shape. We had 2 problem solving tasks to complete which included different shapes. In 4 triangles, we had to make as many shapes as we could with just 4 right angled triangles. The children were so inventive with their designs, we had some boats, fish and even a working envelope!

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In our Creating Cubes challenge, we had to create a 3×3 cube using 27 small cubes (9 of 3 different colours), where no row or column had 2 of each colour together. We worked super hard in groups to work out a pattern.

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