Blue Group

The blue group have been very busy this week indoors and out. They have been busy role playing being shop keepers and shoppers. The children have enjoyed reading and retelling Jack in the bean stock and humpty dumpty. The children have also played and worked well creating a large train track together.

Outdoors the children have continued to work on their physical skills outdoors game playing and using the Tim Trail balancing and climbing.  Also on the day that it was windy and wet the children played all morning with the parachute tied to the fence catching and trapping the wind the children called it a hot air balloon.

Citizens of the week for 17th – 20th November 2020

Citizens of the week for 17th – 20th November are as follows –

Nursery – Parker Warwick for trying hard with his self help skills

Primary 1/2 – Ruby Thomas for great discussion and comprehension work during Literacy

Primary 2/3 – Greer Wright for always working exceptionally hard and being so kind and helpful in class and with her peers

Primary 3/4/5 – Zoe Clark for always being kind and friendly and showing a good attitude to learning

Primary 5/6 – Martin Lamberton for trying really hard in all his written work

Primary 6/7 – Sophie Douglas for making a super effort in both Literacy and Maths


Purple Group Activities

The boys and Girls in the purple group have had a very busy week. We have been exploring with loose parts outdoors pretending to be firefighters, Power rangers and golfers. Indoors we have been busy threading, completing large jigsaws and being creative with our mark making whilst using the shape stencils. We have also been finding our own name and practicing writing or tracing it.The children have also worked very hard becoming more independent when getting their shoes and jackets on for outdoor learning and we will be continuing to do so.

Well done Parker Warwick for Citizen of the Week.