School Reports

Transition to Biggar High School

I was part of a discussion group with the Head Teachers from Biggar Learning Community where we were discussing transition.  Obviously this will be very different this year but we are still keen to support our children’s move to Biggar High School in the best way possible.

Biggar High School have added a new tab to their website (Primary 7 transition) and have put in various pieces of information that they felt might be of interest to you and your child.  There is a special S1 handbook for this year, an interactive map of the school and a question and answer video.  I would encourage you to have a look with your child.  Please keep returning since they have plans to add more information as we move forward.  I have copied the link for you:

If you or your child have any questions about Biggar High then please get your child to email them to Miss Smith or the office email and we will make sure they are passed to the High School staff.

We will continue to discuss transition and over the coming weeks I will be in touch with more information as it becomes available.  There will also be one or two things for your son or daughter to complete for the High School.

Mrs Easton