Google Classroom – P5 and P6


We have set up a Google Classroom for Primary 5 and 6 children and added the tile to their glow launch pad for them.  This will enable us to move some of the children’s learning online.

In order to support the children to access Google Classroom Mrs Alexander has made 2 videos which will show them very clearly what to do.  Firstly they must log in to glow using their username and password, as if they were going to access their emails.  At this stage please watch the videos and follow their advice:

The first video shows how to get onto Google Classroom.

The second video shows how to submit a task in Google Classroom.

Miss Smith, Miss Reid and Miss Stewart will set one task this week and one next week to give the children a chance to get used to using the classroom.

If you have any problems with this please email your child’s class teacher or and we will try to help you sort it out.  We will also keep an eye on who has joined the classroom and is able to turn in the work.

Emotion Works Learning At Home Website

Emotion Works is a programme we use at school as part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum.  It offers an excellent way to get children to be able to talk about their feelings.  During this very difficult time, lots of children may be feeling a range of emotions and feelings which they may find difficult to deal with.  Emotion Works have created a website for use by families and there are a lot of excellent resources and activities on there. 

Please click on the link below to access the website. 

Click here for Emotion Works Learning At Home website

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Home Learning

Your child’s class teacher has added more home learning to the relevant section on our website.  Just click on the Home Learning menu and select their class.  We hope this will continue to help you with home schooling.
All children have been emailed by their class teacher and they have been delighted by the response and are really pleased to hear how the children are getting on.  Their photos, news, pieces of work that are being added to the emails are keeping us all in touch with how they are getting on.  If your child has not responded to the email yet please help them to do so.

Hoping you are all keeping well.